Workforce Planning

Workforce planning is a systematic, proactive process. It aligns strategic planning, human capital and budgeting to meet organizational goals through:

  • Forecasting mission critical talent needs
  • Analyzing current workforce and talent supply
  • Developing, implementing and evaluating strategies to close gaps

Workforce Planning Considerations

Each agency must develop a workforce plan as a component of their strategic plan. (Links to:

Workforce planning documents are available below to help guide your planning.

The following considerations should also be followed:

  • Competency - Note any measurable and observable characteristics that impact job performance in a specific role (e.g., knowledge, skills, abilities, traits and behaviors).
  • Staffing - Know your organization's current and projected business needs. Determine if you have enough of the right people in place to accomplish your mission and objectives.
  • Diversity - Understand your workforce diversity. This includes both Evident (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, physical ability, age) and Underlying (e.g., education, work experience, tenure, culture).

Succession Planning

Succession Planning helps you identify and develop key leadership and professional positions. These “top performing" candidates must be carefully selected and trained to develop the skills and competencies needed for organizational success. Succession planning resources are available below to help guide your efforts.

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