How to Acquire Federal Surplus Property
The Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program allows eligible state and local government agencies, nonprofit organizations carrying out certain activities, and qualifying small businesses to obtain personal property from the federal government that it is no longer using. This includes all types of property except land, certain naval vessels, and records of the federal government which require specific procedures and forms.
- You may view available federal surplus property at GSAXcess. Federal property may be located all around the country, so be sure to see the asset location. You must make arrangements to pick it up. Learn more about civilian and military federal property locations in Module One of the training video.
- When you find items you wish to request, email DOAS at with the item control number, surplus release date, and your contact information.
- We will reply with a service charge within 2 business days. We’ll move forward only once we get your approval of the charge.
- We will see if the items are available and request the property on your behalf. The General Service Administration (GSA) makes the final approval.
- DOAS will submit your request to GSA, which makes the allocation decision.
- We will inform you of your request status as soon as we are notified.
- If you are approved to receive the items, we will send a letter of authorization to pick up the property.
- Make an appointment to pick up the property within 14 days.
- Before you can apply to acquire federal surplus property, you’ll need to gather certain documents. Which documents you need will depend on your organization. Documents can include, but are not limited to:
- W-9 tax forms
- IRS 501c ruling
- Articles of incorporation bylaws
- Description of facilities
- Copies of minutes resolution or legislation from city council or county board
- Proof of public funding
- Detailed descriptions of programs/curriculum
- To find out which documents your organization will need, check the Eligibility Documentation Matrix.
- There is no charge to apply for eligibility.
- If you have a veteran-owned small business (VOSB), you must first verify your business through the U.S. Small Business Administration.
- You will need to create a new user account on the Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Customer Hub.
- If you have an existing user account for the DOAS Customer Hub, log in using your username and password.
- Complete the eligibility application and attach your supporting documents.
- Have one of the organization’s principal officers electronically sign the application.
- The organization must be available for a site visit and online orientation, which describes the benefits, processes, and restrictions on any surplus property received, before the application can be submitted for approval. Approved recipients are referred to as “donees.”
- Incomplete applications cannot be processed and will delay your organization's eligibility determination.
- You should receive an email within approximately 32 business days notifying you if your organization has been deemed eligible. If you have questions or issues with your application, you can contact the DOAS Eligibility Specialist by email at or by phone at 404-657-8544, Extension 1.
- To maintain eligibility, donees must renew each year. The renewal deadline is based on the last approval date.
- If you are deemed ineligible and you would like to appeal the decision, you can appeal to the Surplus Property Division by emailing
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