Human Resources Administration Division FAQ HR Education and Training Enterprise Learning Training Request Form Human Resources Administration Why do I have problems accessing my ePerformance documents? Where can I find employment opportunities with the State of Georgia? Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees Enterprise Learning Training Request Form How does the Statewide Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy define sexual harassment? What course of action should an employee take if he/she believes that he/she has been the target of sexual harassment? Can an employee submit a complaint or report of sexual harassment anonymously? If an employee files a sexual harassment complaint or participates in a sexual harassment investigation, is he or she protected from retaliation? What are unwelcome sexual advances? What happens after an employee has filed a complaint or report of sexual harassment? What do you do if you witness another employee being subjected to sexual harassment or retaliation? What is the length of the employee training as well as the supervisor training? What can employees do to help prevent sexual harassment and to build and maintain a respectful workplace? Sexual Harassment Prevention for HR Professionals Enterprise Learning Training Request Form Where can I find the Governor’s Executive Order on Preventing SexualHarassment in State Government? Are contractors required to take the employee sexual harassment prevention training? When must a newly promoted supervisor/manager complete the supervisor and manager sexual harassment prevention training? What is the length of the employee training as well as the supervisor training? Are attached agencies required to have their own investigators or is the parent agency responsible? Are all employees required to complete the employee sexual harassment prevention training, even if they are not full-time? How do I enroll a new investigator into training? Where can I locate the Statewide Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy? Do we have the same length of time to complete the employee training and the manager training? Do workers hired through a temporary staffing firm have to take the sexual harassment prevention training? Once supervisors and managers are registered for training, do they receive an email confirming their registration? If yes, is there a link in the email to the login page? Should sexual harassment prevention trainings be limited to organizations, contractors or vendors that interact with our employees on a regular basis? Do Human Resource (HR) Contacts attend the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Investigators? I have received an invitation, but I am not an investigator. Is the acknowledgement form required or an option? What if an employee who is designated as an investigator leaves employment? Will there be other trainings available? Will the training change from year to year? Who is responsible for making sure contractors are trained? Do we need to have employees complete the Policy Acknowledgement and the Training Attestation? What date (or date range) should agencies base their report of the number of employees (headcount)? What date (or date range) should agencies base their report of the number of employees trained? What is the annual reporting period to submit Sexual Harassment Prevention Training data? Should I include contractors in my training counts reported to DOAS? Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors and Managers Enterprise Learning Training Request Form What course of action should a supervisor or manager take if a complaint or report of sexual harassment is brought to him or her? How does the State of Georgia Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy define sexual harassment? What happens after an employee has filed a complaint or report of sexual harassment or retaliation? What is the length of the employee training as well as the supervisor training? Can employees submit a complaint or report of sexual harassment anonymously? As a supervisor or manager, what should I do to assist with the investigation of complaints or reports of sexual harassment? What can supervisors and managers do to help prevent sexual harassment and to build and maintain a respectful workplace? What responsibilities does a witness to sexual harassment have? What course of action should supervisors or managers take if they learn of the sexual harassment via informal channels such as gossip or rumors? Are supervisors and managers expected to complete the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Employees and the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors and Managers? How do supervisors and managers access training if they never received the system-generated email that includes the link to training? State Contract Resources If a Contractor is part of a statewide contract, does the agency have any responsibility to collect the acknowledgement and/or waiver forms? Does the policy only apply to Contractors on State premises? How should agencies handle documentation for non-statewide contracts once the template language has been added? Does independent contractor mean an individual (i.e., employee of a staffing service)? What should state entities do to address the requirements of the Statewide Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy for contracts of currently open solicitations and recently closed solicitations? Where do you recommend the acknowledgement forms be maintained? Is it the responsibility of DOAS to ensure that any statewide contract vendor is compliant? When does DOAS recommend that contracts be amended to include the model contract provision? State Personnel Board Rules What is the State Personnel Board? Substance Abuse-Drug Testing What drug panels should state agencies select for drug testing? Who should drug test? What constitutes a Refusal? What does Adulterated mean? Substance Abuse Position Analysis Should I send anyone who has a cancelled or rejected test result for a retest? Should I send someone with a Negative Dilute result for a retest? What does Substituted mean? Why would a test be rejected or cancelled? What do the results mean? What drug panels are required for state employees who are working in federally-regulated positions? Georgia has approved medical marijuana. Are we required to keep employees using medical marijuana in a high-risk position? What are the approved Drug Testing programs used by state of Georgia agencies? What happens if an employee cannot produce the required amount of urine for drug testing, or cannot produce urine for the specimen? 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Human Resources Administration Why do I have problems accessing my ePerformance documents? Where can I find employment opportunities with the State of Georgia?
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees Enterprise Learning Training Request Form How does the Statewide Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy define sexual harassment? What course of action should an employee take if he/she believes that he/she has been the target of sexual harassment? Can an employee submit a complaint or report of sexual harassment anonymously? If an employee files a sexual harassment complaint or participates in a sexual harassment investigation, is he or she protected from retaliation? What are unwelcome sexual advances? What happens after an employee has filed a complaint or report of sexual harassment? What do you do if you witness another employee being subjected to sexual harassment or retaliation? What is the length of the employee training as well as the supervisor training? What can employees do to help prevent sexual harassment and to build and maintain a respectful workplace?
Sexual Harassment Prevention for HR Professionals Enterprise Learning Training Request Form Where can I find the Governor’s Executive Order on Preventing SexualHarassment in State Government? Are contractors required to take the employee sexual harassment prevention training? When must a newly promoted supervisor/manager complete the supervisor and manager sexual harassment prevention training? What is the length of the employee training as well as the supervisor training? Are attached agencies required to have their own investigators or is the parent agency responsible? Are all employees required to complete the employee sexual harassment prevention training, even if they are not full-time? How do I enroll a new investigator into training? Where can I locate the Statewide Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy? Do we have the same length of time to complete the employee training and the manager training? Do workers hired through a temporary staffing firm have to take the sexual harassment prevention training? Once supervisors and managers are registered for training, do they receive an email confirming their registration? If yes, is there a link in the email to the login page? Should sexual harassment prevention trainings be limited to organizations, contractors or vendors that interact with our employees on a regular basis? Do Human Resource (HR) Contacts attend the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Investigators? I have received an invitation, but I am not an investigator. Is the acknowledgement form required or an option? What if an employee who is designated as an investigator leaves employment? Will there be other trainings available? Will the training change from year to year? Who is responsible for making sure contractors are trained? Do we need to have employees complete the Policy Acknowledgement and the Training Attestation? What date (or date range) should agencies base their report of the number of employees (headcount)? What date (or date range) should agencies base their report of the number of employees trained? What is the annual reporting period to submit Sexual Harassment Prevention Training data? Should I include contractors in my training counts reported to DOAS?
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors and Managers Enterprise Learning Training Request Form What course of action should a supervisor or manager take if a complaint or report of sexual harassment is brought to him or her? How does the State of Georgia Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy define sexual harassment? What happens after an employee has filed a complaint or report of sexual harassment or retaliation? What is the length of the employee training as well as the supervisor training? Can employees submit a complaint or report of sexual harassment anonymously? As a supervisor or manager, what should I do to assist with the investigation of complaints or reports of sexual harassment? What can supervisors and managers do to help prevent sexual harassment and to build and maintain a respectful workplace? What responsibilities does a witness to sexual harassment have? What course of action should supervisors or managers take if they learn of the sexual harassment via informal channels such as gossip or rumors? Are supervisors and managers expected to complete the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Employees and the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors and Managers? How do supervisors and managers access training if they never received the system-generated email that includes the link to training?
State Contract Resources If a Contractor is part of a statewide contract, does the agency have any responsibility to collect the acknowledgement and/or waiver forms? Does the policy only apply to Contractors on State premises? How should agencies handle documentation for non-statewide contracts once the template language has been added? Does independent contractor mean an individual (i.e., employee of a staffing service)? What should state entities do to address the requirements of the Statewide Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy for contracts of currently open solicitations and recently closed solicitations? Where do you recommend the acknowledgement forms be maintained? Is it the responsibility of DOAS to ensure that any statewide contract vendor is compliant? When does DOAS recommend that contracts be amended to include the model contract provision?
Substance Abuse-Drug Testing What drug panels should state agencies select for drug testing? Who should drug test? What constitutes a Refusal? What does Adulterated mean? Substance Abuse Position Analysis Should I send anyone who has a cancelled or rejected test result for a retest? Should I send someone with a Negative Dilute result for a retest? What does Substituted mean? Why would a test be rejected or cancelled? What do the results mean? What drug panels are required for state employees who are working in federally-regulated positions? Georgia has approved medical marijuana. Are we required to keep employees using medical marijuana in a high-risk position? What are the approved Drug Testing programs used by state of Georgia agencies? What happens if an employee cannot produce the required amount of urine for drug testing, or cannot produce urine for the specimen?