Georgia CommuteSmart
The Georgia CommuteSmart initiative encourages expanded commute options and flexible work schedules for eligible employees. Pursuing these goals will improve workers’ productivity and morale as well as attract and retain talent. It will also indirectly help the private-sector economy by reducing traffic congestion.
Georgia CommuteSmart offers employees more options to get out of traffic. Each state agency should implement one or more of the following options at its discretion:
- Flextime – scheduling shifts to avoid peak traffic times
- Alternate Work Schedules – compressing the 40-hour work week into fewer, longer workdays to reduce commuting
- Teleworking at home or another approved location
- Commute options such as carpooling, vanpooling, riding transit, biking or walking to work
DOAS is partnering with GCO to set up Georgia CommuteSmart programs throughout the state. GCO consultants have assisted dozens of state agencies on related projects, and they’re available to help your agency develop a program to fit your workplace.
When employees log their alternative commute trips at a website created by GCO, they become eligible for incentives that include monthly drawings for $25 gift cards, and your agency can get reports of program participation and environmental impact.
As an Agency Coordinator, you can contact GCO directly to learn more about these and other free services available to your team:
Georgia Commute Options
229 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30303