Governor's Code of Ethics
State employees are expected to demonstrate the highest level of professional integrity as they conduct their daily business on behalf of the citizens of Georgia. For this reason, on April 1, 2021, Governor Brian P. Kemp issued Executive Order creating a new Code of Ethics by which every state employee must abide.
Ethics Officers
Each state agency is required to appoint an ethics officer. The ethics officer must provide the Code of Ethics to every full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employee in his or her respective agency and implement measures to ensure that the Code of Ethics is attested to by all employees. All ethics officers report to the Governor's Executive Counsel and are required to notify the Executive Counsel of any violation of the Code of Ethics within their respective agencies.
Upon reading the Code of Ethics, each employee must complete an Attestation stating that he or she has read and understands the Code of Ethics and will comply with its requirements. Once completed, the Attestation must be returned to the employee's respective ethics officer for retention. Completion of the Attestation is mandatory and a condition of employment with the State of Georgia. Each employee must complete and return the Attestation by June 30, 2021. New employees hired after June 30, 2021, must complete and return the Attestation during the onboarding process. The Attestation is available for download at the bottom of this page.
Each Agency ethics officer should provide instructions to employees regarding how to complete and submit the Attestation form. Agencies that utilize Learning Management Systems (LMS) may require employees to submit the Attestation through their respective systems. For agencies that choose to utilize an LMS, files are available below for upload. For agencies that do not utilize an LMS, the Attestation document is available for download in PDF format at the bottom of this page.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Employees who have relatives who lobby, do business with the State, are seeking to do business with the State, or who have any other ongoing matters before the employee's respective agency must complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form describing those matters and provide the Form to his or her agency ethics officer. As new conflicts involving relatives develop/occur, new Forms must be completed and provided by the employee. Employees must recuse themselves from any matters related to the conflicts described in their Disclosure Forms. The Disclosure Form is available for download at the bottom of this page.
State employees who have questions regarding the Governor's Code of Ethics should contact their agency ethics officer.
Ethics officers may submit questions or notifications regarding the Code of Ethics to the Office of the Executive Counsel via email at
Related Documents
PDF of Code of Ethics (EO 04.01.21) Spanish
Code of Ethics (EO
PDF of Attestation Form Spanish
PDF of Attestation Form
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (updated)