Inclement Weather State Policy
Inclement Weather and Emergency Closure
The state's Inclement Weather Policy outlines procedures for closing state offices and handling employee absences due to severe and unsafe weather conditions and other emergencies.
If citizens, clients, or employees are endangered, or conditions/events impede a state agency’s regular work and responsibilities, it may need to close or restrict its activities. The governor will determine the conditions for the closure and the regions affected. During periods of inclement weather, the heads of the Department of Administrative Services, Georgia Emergency Management Agency, Department of Transportation and Department of Public Safety will confer and make recommendations to the governor about agency closures. Decisions that affect the closure of a single agency or smaller group will be made at the discretion of the agency head.
Communication of Closure
If agencies statewide or locally are threatened by inclement weather or an emergency, agency heads will be notified about closures or other changes. If such conditions develop during the night, announcements will be made by the governor through the following media outlets:
Metropolitan Atlanta
Television Station WSB (ABC) Channel 2 and Radio Stations WSB AM 750 and WSB 95.5 FM.
Outside Metropolitan Atlanta
Local radio stations affiliated with the Georgia Public Radio Network (GPB). Be sure you know the network member station in your area and provide your employees with its frequency and other important information and instructions.
- Any closure decisions will be announced as soon as possible.
- The stations mentioned above will provide relevant information; announcements on other stations may not be accurate.
- If no closure announcements are made, employees should report to work or contact their supervisor or other personnel designated by the agency head.
- Agency heads are responsible for announcing closures that affect only their agency or its departments.
Treatment of Absences
If any part of an agency is closed by action of the governor or agency head, affected employees will be credited with regular paid hours. If the employee is absent for personal reasons, it will be charged to available leave or compensatory time or be unpaid, depending on the circumstances. Employees can make up the time lost from work at the discretion of the agency head. These rules don’t apply to employees who aren’t affected by the closure.
Teleworking Employees
Agency heads can assume that teleworking employees aren’t affected by closure announcements, or they can set a policy that closures impact all employees, regardless of their location.
Essential Employees
Essential employees are those who must work during inclement weather or other emergencies. They are deemed essential at the discretion of the agency head.
Overtime Compensation
Employees are paid according to the statewide policy jointly issued by the Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) and the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS).