Indemnification Program for Public Officers and Educator
We administer the Georgia State Indemnification Program recognizing there are hazards inherent in certain public occupations that put employees at a higher risk of injury. The program provides a financial benefit from two indemnification funds for designated public officers and public school personnel who are disabled or killed in the line of duty.
The Public Officers Indemnification Fund includes payments for permanent disability, supplemental income and death to eligible law enforcement officers, firefighters, prison guards, publicly employed emergency medical technicians, emergency management rescue specialists, state highway employees, and active members of the Georgia National Guard, when called into service by the Governor. The Public School Indemnification Fund provides payments to any public school employee who is killed or permanently disabled by an act of violence in the line of duty. This benefit is funded by revenue generated by the sale of special license plates honoring Georgia educators.
Training Videos
Part 1: Georgia Indemnification Program - Injury and Death
Part 2: Georgia Indemnification Program - Supplemental Benefits
Related Documents
Public Officers Indemnification Program Appeal Rules
Application Form
Teachers Indemnification Brochure
Public Officers Indemnification Program Brochure