State entities could receive up to $10,000 for innovative safety solutions

Posted: 07/03/2024
The Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Risk Management Services Division is accepting applications from state entities for additional funding in the form of a grant from Safety National Insurance for creative risk control solutions on how to reduce employee injury and illness.
Are there trends in your agency’s workforce losses? Where are they coming from? Do you know of a solution that could protect your employees from future occupational injuries or illnesses? This grant may be able to help you supplement the expense of your solution and help get your employees on their way to a safer, more productive work environment.
Your safety solutions must relate to an identifiable and quantified loss source and nominations must meet the following requirements:
- Risk-reducing solutions must apply to workers' compensation and must include an estimate of injury cost-savings for your entity.
- Submissions must address pre-injury risk management solutions.
Safety National Insurance heavily weighs risk reduction potential, innovation and how repeatable the solution can be broadly in various operations. They also look at how the solution controls loss exposures, using the hierarchy of controls through engineering, administrative and/or work practices. Projecting return on investment (ROI) really helps, based on a related goal. It also bodes well if a solution impacts both workers’ compensation and liability.
2024 grant application period is open June 3 – September 6, 2024.
The DOAS Risk Management Team will review and evaluate all applications to determine alignment with state safety policies and ensure they meet the grant criteria. Feedback will be provided to each applicant. The team will further facilitate the process by submitting the state’s nominations and monitoring the awarded entity’s progress in achieving their goals and creating safer, more productive workplaces for their employees.
Applications should be submitted to using the following format:
· Entity name
· Entity contact’s information including name, title, phone number and email address
· Dollar amount of matching grant funds requested, up to $10,000
· Detailed information on the loss source that the grant will be used towards
· Detailed information on the risk control solution and implementation timeframe
· Anticipated benefits of risk control solution with injury cost savings estimate and expected number of employees to be impacted.
The winner(s) will be notified by December 14, 2024. If you have questions, please contact DOAS loss control and safety officers C.G. Lawrence at and Hiram Lagroon at
View previous winner for ideas: