How to Complete a Direct Negotiated Sale: DNS
Direct Negotiated Sales are used to redistribute property from a state entity directly to an eligible local government or nonprofit. Price and conditions are established by the Surplus Property Division, which must approve the transaction, generate the invoice and collect the funds.
The custodian entity enters a surplus request in AssetWorks, select Direct Negotiated Sale (DNS) as the method, input the asset physical address and location contact information. Provide the receiving entity contact information in the receiving agency field.
- Have the designated site manager of the custodian entity to approve the transaction
- The Surplus Property Division will virtually receive the request, verify receiving entity’s eligibility, and establish the negotiated service charge.
- The Surplus Property Division will collect the service charge and to the receiving entity.
- Schedule an appointment to pick up items. Pickups are by appointment only.
- Present the bill of sale and the custodian entity will complete the physical transfer.
- The signed Bill of Sale must be returned to
- The custodian entity will remove assets from property inventory records.
- All state surplus property has restrictions on how the property is used and what documentation must be maintained. Property must only be used by the organization or entity approved in the request. Property must be placed into use within 12 months and used for 12 months.
- (More information on these restrictions can be found in the Georgia Surplus Property Manual Section 10.6.