About Enterprise Talent Management Services
Enterprise Talent Management Services provides tailored solutions and tools to help state agencies attract, select, and hire a talented workforce. We provide support in the following areas: Talent Acquisition Support, Performance Management, and University Relations.
Team Georgia Careers (TGC)
Using Team Georgia Careers for agency recruitment purposes provides recruiters with the ability to automate the hiring process and onboarding process, eliminates the need for paper state applications to be submitted to agencies, and provides enhanced applicant screening capabilities to quickly identify qualified candidates. Team Georgia Careers offers robust reporting capabilities designed to provide insight into the agency recruiting program and data to help agencies make data-driven decisions.
Talent Acquisition Support
Below are links to training opportunities, tools and other resources that can help the HR community attract and keep talent.
- Internship Pipeline Initiative - This Internship Pipeline Initiative will provide agencies with the resources you need to develop meaningful and effective internship programs as a pathway for entry-level talent.
Workforce Strategies Initiative - This project supports workforce development strategies and career paths for key occupation areas in state government. The partnership is supported by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget (OPB). It began in December 2022.
Senate Bill 3: Reevaluate College Degree Requirements to Expand Job Opportunities and Address Recruitment Challenges
In response to the State of Georgia's ongoing challenges in recruiting and retaining employees, and tasked by Georgia Senate Bill 3 (SB3), known as the "Reducing Barriers to State Employment Act of 2023," the Department of Administrative Services, Human Resources Administration undertook a significant initiative to reevaluate and potentially eliminate college degree requirements from certain state job positions. This strategic move aims to address the shrinking applicant pool and enhance the state's ability to attract and retain skilled professionals across various sectors.
SB3 requires the state to reevaluate the educational and training requirements for employment positions, identify jobs where these requirements can be reduced, determine when practical experience and training rather than a four-year college degree are the appropriate qualifications for a position and reduce the number of positions that require a four-year college degree.Access the complete SB3 Report that summarizes the background, methodology, results, and expected outcomes of this initiative.