How to Manage Sexual Harassment Training at My Agency
All State of Georgia employees, including part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees, must complete sexual harassment prevention training, both within 30 days of hire and at least once every year. Agency Human Resources (HR) Departments are responsible for managing this training on an ongoing basis.
- Designate someone on your Human Resources staff to be the primary point of contact with the Office of the State Inspector General (OIG) and the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) regarding the statewide sexual harassment prevention policy and investigation procedures. This can be your agency’s HR director or another HR staff member.
- Assign one or more investigators to work with the Human Resources contact regarding sexual harassment prevention policy and procedures. Investigators will be assigned to investigate any complaints or reports of sexual harassment. The statewide sexual harassment prevention policy specifies procedures for assigning investigators.
- DOAS provides materials for the sexual harassment prevention training course all employees must complete. Training course materials are available for agencies with a Learning Management System (LMS), without a LMS, and for agencies with employees who do not have access to a computer.
- Customized training, documentation, and policies apply to various roles within agencies.
- Employees must complete training within 30 days of hire and at least once every year.
- Employee training materials are available on the employee training page of the DOAS website.
- Employees must submit the sexual harassment prevention employee attestation and sexual harassment policy acknowledgements.
- Contractors must complete training within 30 days of hire and at least once every year.
- A specialized training webinar for contractors is available on the state contract resources page of DOAS website.
- Contractors must submit the sexual harassment prevention employee attestation and sexual harassment policy acknowledgements.
- New supervisors and managers with direct reports must complete training within 30 days of hire or promotion to a managerial position.
- All current supervisors and managers must complete the training within the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, every year.
- Training for supervisors and managers is available through Team Georgia Learning.
- Supervisors and managers must submit the sexual harassment prevention employee attestation and sexual harassment policy acknowledgements.
- Throughout the year you may have to add, remove, or register new managers for training.
- Sexual harassment prevention training for investigators is a 3-hour online training course provided by the Office of the State Inspector General (OIG).
- Employees nominated as investigators will be contacted by OIG to receive access to the online training course. OIG will also provide a live virtual training quarterly for all new designees submitted as agency investigators during that quarter.
- Upon completion of sexual harassment prevention training, collect completed and signed sexual harassment prevention employee attestations and sexual harassment policy acknowledgements.
- Policy Acknowledgement and training attestations
Submit your agency’s sexual harassment prevention training data between July 1 and July 31 each year.