Verify Supervisors and Managers for Non-Teamwork Agencies

This process compares the names of supervisors and managers listed in the DOAS LMS with the supervisors and managers in your agency to ensure accuracy prior to the training period. Verification takes 4 steps: 

  1. Obtain the list of supervisors and managers from your agency. It should include agency name, employee last name, employee first name, email address and employee ID. 
  2. Obtain the list of supervisors and managers in the DOAS LMS (see instructions in the LMS under Generate the Completion report). 
  3. Using the VLOOKUP function in Microsoft Excel, compare the two lists and create a list of supervisors and managers to ADD to or REMOVE from the DOAS LMS (see instructions below under VLOOKUP Instructions). Excel users at your agency can assist you with Excel questions. 
  4. Use the Add-Remove Multiple Supervisors/Managers form below and submit it with your changes to DOAS LMS at