State Purchasing Division Newsletters
The State Purchasing Division distributes periodic communications to state and local government procurement staff and the supplier community. To receive communications, please send an email to with your name, organization and email address. Access the links below to review recent newsletters.
Featured Newsletters
The Buyer’s Digest provides relevant information to the buyer community. Find updates on policies, new and current statewide contracts, Team Georgia Marketplace ™, and available opportunities in the procurement industry. Learn how to maximize your purchasing power in the best state for business!
Stay in the know of the ever-changing landscape of Georgia procurement. Discover how Georgia is innovating the way we conduct business with the NextGen project. Subscribe to find the latest news on the revamp of the state’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, statewide contract spotlights and how Georgia is planning procurement’s future.
The Supplier Source newsletter is an immersive view of Georgia procurement through the lens of the supplier. Stay in the know with updates on Georgia’s new Small Business & Supplier Diversity Initiative, upcoming supplier events, training, and resources available. Your one stop source for supplier news!
Want to advance in your procurement career? Eager to learn how to navigate the procurement process successfully? Browse the latest training news, events, and courses available. Complete a state certification to be featured in an upcoming Training Digest issue. Subscribe now and learn the secrets to becoming certified and successful procurement professionals.
Side effects of subscribing to the SPD newsletter hub may include becoming a procurement whiz! We strive to provide insights into the procurement landscape by informing Georgians of industry trends, with exclusive updates, and expert analysis. Pursue your passion in procurement, today! Thank you for your continued support. Knowledge is power, stay informed and abreast of what is happening in the best state for business. Happy purchasing!