How to Complete an Electronic Disposal (ELC) Request
Once a state entity decides that property is no longer needed, it should submit a disposal request in AssetWorks. The Surplus Property Division will review and process the request. Items, such as electronics, need special handling.
You can submit an electronic disposal (ELC) transfer request to dispose of surplus electronic equipment. Common electronics that follow this process include, but are not limited to:
- Computers (includes desktops, laptops, servers)
- External data storage or back-up devices
- Copiers with or without data storage capability
- Monitors and Television Sets (all types, CRT, LCD, etc.)
- Peripherals (includes keyboards, mouse, speakers)
- Printers
- Scanners
- Telephone Systems and Handsets, Cellular Phones
- DVD and VCR Players/Recorders
- Radios, CD Players and Stereo Equipment
- Ensure that you have a minimum of 10 pieces of electronics to be received by the Surplus Property Division and scheduled for vendor pickup.
- You may opt to prepare an inventory sheet of the property to be transferred, which includes information on the property, such as model numbers and serial numbers. (A sample inventory sheet can be found in the Asset Works User Guide.) This is recommended but not required.
- Log into AssetWorks and create a surplus request with ELC selected as the method.
- When you create new assets for ELCs, combine items from the same national stock number (NSN) group code on one line. When complete, there should be no more than 6 or 7 asset lines on the request. (Full instructions for electronic disposal transfer requests can be found in Appendix D of Asset Works User Guide.)
- Once the asset is saved, attach the inventory sheet to docs/images on the first asset line.
- Please do not store electronics outside under any circumstances.
- Wrap and gather the electronics as is.
- An approved vendor will contact you to schedule a pickup.