Supplier Registration for Bid Notices
State entities use Team Georgia Marketplace™ (TGM) to find suppliers for goods and services.
Register in Team Georgia Marketplace™
If you are interested in doing business with the state, your first step is to register in Team Georgia MarketplaceTM.
- If your company has never done business with the State of Georgia, register as a bidder. Your company may fit into this category even if it was active in our current Vendor Registration System.
- If you are unsure of how to register, select “Registration Unknown.”
- If you are a supplier and is already registered in TGM, simple log in to access your user profile or to access TGM bids.
Once you register, you will receive bid notices based on the NIGP codes you add to your profile.
You can access TGM directly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except Mondays between 5:00 am and 5:30 am for routine maintenance. If you are registering on a Monday morning prior to this time slot you must complete the process before 5:00 am or your information will not be recorded.
State Purchasing Help Desk
The SPD Customer Service Help Desk answers questions related to state purchasing policies, procedures, and the website. You can contact the help desk during regular business hours at 404-657-6000 or via email at
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