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Last Modified on 07/11/2017
In order to help the payroll offices with the reconciliation of ERS pension information, access has been given to the Pension's Consolidation panels for Earnings and Contributions. Those…
Last Modified on 07/11/2017
Please review this information regarding employees filing a W-4 with an exempt from federal withholding tax status and employees filing a W-5 claiming the Advanced Earned Income Credit (EIC)…
Last Modified on 07/11/2017
Reissued W-2s are printed on Tuesday and Friday nights of each week throughout the year. Agencies can request reissued W-2's as far back as tax year 1999. The request can be entered into…
Last Modified on 10/26/2017
You review the assets in the pre-interface, mark the ones you want to bring across in the pre-interface (mark the others, on hold, or, as an error), then load the assets per the UPK. The interface is…