A supplier walks through a warehouse, reviewing inventory.

Information for Suppliers and GA Businesses

Any company, supplier and bidder, looking to secure or maintain a business relationship with the state of Georgia can register with us to compete for a contract. Below are a host of resources to simplify and clarify the state’s purchasing process and tailored supplier training opportunities available to get you started.

Quick Links by Category

Bidder Registration and Getting Started
Training and Outreach Events
Training and Outreach Events
Statewide Contract Suppliers
Statewide Contract Suppliers
Electronic Bidding
Additional Resources

Upcoming Events

How to Guides

A hand points to the "sign here" line in a contract while another hand holds a pen ready to sign.

How to Get a Contract With the State

Becoming a supplier or vendor for the State of Georgia starts with online registration. Registratio…
For: SPD-Suppliers and GA Businesses, SPD-GA Small Businesses