A team of procurement officers high-fives after a successful meeting.

Information for State Entities Procurement Professionals

Procurement officers and professionals of state agencies, technical colleges, and colleges and universities of the University System of Georgia manage spend activities and execute purchasing strategies. Below are tools, resources, and information to assist you in obtaining goods and services more efficiently. Education and training programs are designed to enhance essential skills needed to perform procurement responsibilities within the legal and policy framework of the state of Georgia, maximize customer satisfaction and minimize cost.

Quick Links by Category

Education and Training
Statewide Card Program
Georgia Procurement Conference
Georgia Procurement Conference
Team Georgia Marketplace and other Systems

How to Guides

At a busy desk, a pair of hands hover over a set of contract requirements.

How to Search for Statewide Contracts

When purchasing products or services for your agency, you can save time by searching for preā€¦
For: SPD-State Entities Procurement Officer, SPD-Suppliers and GA Businesses, SPD-GA Small Businesses